6 Takeaways From Pubcon 2014

6 Takeaways From Pubcon 2014

SEO tricks
SEO Is Not a Separate Strategy. Speaker Bill Hunt acknowledged that most businesses tend to think of their SEO strategy as a separate campaign: an independent silo of work that's completed apart from other business strategies, and often only as an …

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Teaches its Websites New Tricks with OpenText

SEO tricks
This, in turn, is automatically linked to the relevant home page and announced accordingly. And, the system performs Search Engine Optimization (SEO) directly, which often times, is overlooked due to time constraints." Weiss added "Among the key …

Panda 4.1: Your Guide To Diagnosis And Recovery

SEO tricks
Google GOOGL -0.85% has announced that its latest algorithm update, Panda 4.1, is rolling out this week. According to Pierre Far, a Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, the update is aimed at better identifying low-quality content, and has already …