BlackBerry Reminds Us It Still Exists With New Porsche Design Phone


The long-running Blackberry/Porsche hookup has just pumped another device onto the BB10 landfill, with the release of the catchily-named P’9983, which is like a regular BlackBerry, but with a Porsche logo and slightly more angles.

The P’9983 basically seems to be a Q10 on the inside, with the same 3.1″ screen and 8MP camera, not to mention a whole “14 hours of talk time”, for when you need to scream at your worthless minions for four hours straight. No, the differences here are very much in the design department: the P’9983 is far more angular and clean-cut than the softer Q10, and even has a ‘glass-effect’ QWERTY keyboard for extra angle-ness.

Not sold yet? Wait until you hear this: the P’9983 comes with it’s very own CUSTOM BBM PIN! That’s right: if you buy a P’9983, you get an “exclusive Porsche Design PIN ID group – 2AAXXXXX”. Just think of the parties you can have with your other Porsche Design Device owners!

BlackBerry hasn’t announced a price or launch date yet, but it’s a safe bet that it’ll cost far more than it’s worth (and, if history is any indicator, somewhere north of $2,000).