Five SEO Trends You Must NOT Ignore In 2013

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one curious arena which is always teeming with volatile trends and unpredictable drifts. As the SEO industry proceeds towards 2013, scores of variations will appear, both good and bad. In order to safeguard your online business and the search engine optimization strategies, keep the following five SEO trends in your know. You loose grip with any of these and your business will visibly suffer.

Content will Still Rule the Roost in SEO

From the original SEO services in India till the contemporary one, a lot of things have changed over the time. However, one element that even today stands as sturdy and powerful as before is the content. Let’s rule the obvious out of consideration. Well-written and informative content is the most influential SEO weapon. As Google keeps on refining its algorithms, all the search engines will certainly delve into the content with a more meticulous approach. Under such circumstances, unique and relevant content with lesser keywords will win over any other Black hat technique. Yes, it is time to shed the keyword stuffed content from your website. It is simple. Go for high quality content that has the keywords blended sensibly into it. Commit yourself to generate upmarket content and the Search Engines will pay back through lucrative results for your business.

SEO will Go Beyond the PPC system

seo-300x200There is nothing denying the fact that SEO services in India produce leads. Still, many marketers face a blind spot when it is time to invest in the electronic content. They are unable to distinguish the thin line between the PPC budgets and the SEO. According to Google, maximum number of clicks on any search engine page contribute to organic listings and a much smaller fraction goes to PPC ads. Even in the light of this fact, most of the businesses are focusing on the latter system. The reason for such a choice is quite anticipated. It works as a quick fix! For once the Pay Per Click methodology provides almost instant results but within days these PPC profits can plummet and soar. Though SEO takes much longer to kick-start, but once established, it proves to be more reliable and enduring.

Social Media Strategy

Social Media is still increasing its pace to serve as an effective marketing tool. Not stopping the earlier trend of Facebook posts and Twitter tweets, marketers should now also keep a close watch on Google+, Pinterest and other raging social media platforms. Engage into both the video and visual marketing. Remember, after Google,  YouTube holds the second place among the most widely used search engines. Make the videos go viral! Share them on the social network and grab the word of mouth marketing for your business.

Mobile Search

After the birth of Smartphones, mobile devices now hold a major part of global domination. With phones in hand, people tend to browse for even a brick and mortar store. Apart from locating, they also compare the prices between online and regional competitors. In other words, marketers must take advantage of this rising mobile internet use to fetch more sales. By simply focusing on creating mobile counterparts for their online websites, businesses can drive more traffic to their websites. Just ensure that the mobile website is smooth to load and easy to comprehend.

Voice Searches

With the changing search engine trends, the style with which people search has also changed. Now they don’t type anymore. With latest advancements, users simply speak what they want to search in the vocal search tools. Remember, the way people speak is different from how they type. Therefore, slightly distinct keywords will come into being than the ones which evolve from the usual type based searches. Hence, marketers must cover keywords from the vocal perspective too.