Latest NSA Overreach Awakens Tech Giants in Washington

Latest NSA Overreach Awakens Tech Giants in Washington

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The most recent round of National Security Agency revelations have prompted major tech firms to publicly take a stronger stance against government surveillance activities, an escalation that could portend a shift in the way Silicon Valley does business …

Lady Gaga wears world's first flying dress

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… fitting into the built-in bodice, and wowed onlookers as she was piloted around remotely. While we're unlikely to be finding Volantis in shops or wardrobes anytime soon, it goes down on our list of most wanted, unobtainable, tech alongside the …

Twitter the latest tech company looking to play tax avoidance shell game

Latest tech news
Two weeks after Twitter filed the paperwork for a planned billion-dollar IPO, we learn that it's poised to take advantage of the same international tax loopholes as other large firms like Apple, Google, and Amazon. Citing Twitter Ireland documents …