Make Awesome DIY Noise Cancelling Headphones on the Cheap

Most people of the current generation own a wide variety of different gadgets and electronics, the majority of which, have an integrated headphone jack. The price in purchasing headphones can range from around $5.00 – $1000.00, but the price of purchasing a pair of quality, noise cancelling headphones is a bit more costly, usually ranging between $150.00 – $1000.00.


In fact, when headphone shopping, once the term “Noise Cancelling” comes up, you can usually expect the price to come up also. Most people cannot afford to purchase high end head phones, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to miss out on premium, noise cancelling sound. Making your own unique noise cancelling headphones actually couldn’t be much simpler.

To get started, stop by your local Walmart or sporting goods store and find an affordable, and comfortable for you, pair of shooting/hunting earmuffs.


Hunting earmuffs are ultra affordable compared to electronic noise cancelling headphones, usually priced at around $10.00-$15.00 or so; and if they can filter out the noise of a gun being fired, they most certainly have some good noise cancelling potential.

Next up, you will have to purchase some type of headphones, but because we are creating our own, noise cancelling earmuffs, we can purchase some cheaper, more affordable choices.

Look for some headphones that are styled like so:


With the hunting earmuffs + affordable, simple on ear headphones purchased, you can begin creating your own, DIY noise cancelling headphones.

The objective is to disassemble the audio headphones that you purchased so that you simply have each earpiece and the cord still remaining, without the wearable piece.


Next, simply remove the soft pads from the hunting headphones, and attach each earpiece from the electronic headphones into the shell of the hunting headphones. You will likely want to use some type of adhesive such as super glue to keep the electronic headphones from shifting around while you are wearing them.

With the above step complete, simply reattach the soft pads that came with the hunting headphones and you’re done!

Above, it was mentioned that noise cancelling headphones can be quite expensive. But with maybe an hour of your time, you can turn a $15.00 pair of hunting earmuffs and a $5.00 pair of cheap headphones into a pair of nice quality, noise cancelling headphones.

Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. If anyone else has any tips or suggestions regarding this project, feel free to leave a comment below to help others.

Not feeling this project and still want to purchase premium headphones? See our article onDre Beats vs. Roc Nation Aviators vs. Sleek by 50.