Mighty lets you listen to Spotify on the go, without Wi-Fi or a smartphone


There’s a new portable music player that’s looking to change the game by moving away from typical MP3 syncing and syncing with Spotify instead.

Mighty, which is now on Kickstarter, uses your Spotify Premium account for iOS or Android to store up to 48 hours of your music in a compact, exercise-friendly device about the size of aniPod Shuffle. It’s the only non-smartphone device that plays your Spotify playlists without needing to be connected to the Internet.

Instead of plugging in Mighty to grab songs, you select and download your Spotify playlists through the Wi-Fi connection in your smartphone. Other MP3 players and smartwatches don’t have Spotify capabilities.

The reason for choosing Mighty over a smartphone is its portability and durability

The reason for choosing Mighty over a smartphone is its portability and durability, which comes in handy if you’re going for a run or at the gym. Mighty is water resistant so you don’t need to worry about drops of water or sweat messing it up, and it has a built-in clip that can attach to your clothing. It takes away the risk of dropping and cracking your phone while on the move.

Similar to the iPod Shuffle, Mighty doesn’t have a screen. There are six buttons: play/pause, next track, previous track, volume up, volume down and a playlist button. When you hit play, it will start with the first track on the first playlist that you loaded onto it. If you want to switch between playlists, Mighty will say the name of the playlist before starting the first song so you know where you are in your selections.

You can also control the device remotely with your smartphone via Bluetooth through the Mighty mobile app.

Mighty has a 2GB hard drive to store music and a decent battery that lasts up to 5 hours with continuous play and 100 hours in standby. You can use regular 3.5 mm headphones or connect wireless headphones through Bluetooth.

Mighty is on Kickstarter for $79 and is expected to ship in November this year.