One of Apple’s earliest Siri engineers reportedly leaves for GE


Apple hasn’t had a great time holding on to the original Siri team, and we don’t just mean the founders — there are precious few of those core members left. And today, we’re learning that one of those last remaining pioneers may have walked out the door. The Information‘s sources claimthat Darren Haas, a Siri co-founder and Apple’s head of compute-focused cloud engineering, has left the company to join GE a few weeks after one of his fellow Siri alumni, Steve D’Aurora, reportedly did the same. The two are believed to be working on a similar cloud platform at their new employer.

There’s no official confirmation yet (both employees still list themselves as Apple employees on LinkedIn), so take this with a grain of salt. We’ve reached out to Apple to confirm the move. If true, though, it’s not exactly heartening news for the team at 1 Infinite Loop. While this is unlikely to be a fatal blow when many people are still working on Siri, it’s a symbolic loss for a company that was one of the first to embrace intelligent voice commands in the mobile world.


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