Sales of Lumia Smartphones Continue to Sink

Microsoft announced its latest financial results for the quarter and overall they are pretty good, except that unpleasant part related to the sales of Lumia smartphones.

For the past three months they have sold only 2.3 million units. Although the share of the mobile version of Windows has traditionally been quite low, this result is really tragic, given that in the same period last year the company sold 8.6 million phones. In other words, the company decreased by horrific 73%, which resulted in its mobile revenue fall by 46%.

Fortunately Microsoft developed pretty well, the other segments of its business the sales of Surface products have increased by 61% compared to the same period in 2015.

The credit for this belongs to the introduction of Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book. Microsoft’s cloud services also perform well as commercial revenue from Office increased by 7%, while consumer revenues – by 6%. Although it lags far behind the PS4, XBOX Live increased at least 26% in the last quarter.