Some Gifts For Your Pets

During the holiday season, we can’t forget our pets. And they’re just so cute and loving that they deserve more than the standard old dog bone or squeaky plush toy.

We’ve rounded up a list of high-tech gifts fit for the cuddly best friend in your life because they need a little Internet in their life, too.


1. Petzi Treat Cam


The Petzi Treat Cam is a high-tech dispenser that does more than feed your pet. The dispenser connects via Wi-Fi, has a built-in camera and links to an iOS or Android app so you can check in and interact with your pet even when you’re not at home. You can see them, speak to them with high-quality audio, snap a photo with the wide-angle camera or give them a treat. $169.99

2. 3D Printed Cat Armor



Hey, cats can play dress up, too. And now they can with a 3D Printed Cat Armor. Thingverse user PrintThatThing created a downloadable design for a suit of armor just for your kitty. The design even includes a cat tag holder and a leash hole. Maybe it’ll even add a little warmth just in time for the winter season. Free

3. FitBark



FitBark resembles Fitbits in more ways than just its name. It’s the ultimate activity monitor for your dog, tracking his or her progress so that you can understand your dog’s health and changes in behavior. See all of your dog’s data on the accompanying app, compare that data with similar dogs or share it with your vet. You can also share photos with your friends and family through the app. $84.95

4. Tailio Smart Health Monitor



Tailio turns your feline’s litter box into a smart monitoring system so you can kep track of your cat’s health. Use it to monitor weight, waste, visits to the litter box and behavior. Analytics in the cloud know your cat’s routines and when they need attention. It’ll also send you alerts for health concerns and litter box care. $199.99

5. Bark’N’Borrow


So you can’t necessarily give your dog an app, but you can use it to find your dog a play date.Bark’N’Borrow is like Tinder for the dog community and all sorts of dog-lovers. You might be an owner, a sitter or someone who just wants to borrow a dog for a few hours. Maybe you just want your dog to meet and play with other dogs. No matter who you are, the app lets you create a profile for your dog or yourself and match with other dogs or people that match your needs. Free

6. iFetch Too


The iFetch launched two years ago on Kickstarter and was met with a lot of success. It’s an automatic ball dispenser that lets your dog play fetch even when you’re not around. But the iFetch was made for miniature tennis balls and small- to medium-sized dogs. The iFetch Too is an upgrade that shoots out standard-sized tennis balls for bigger dogs. $199.99

7. Laptop Scratching Post



Okay, so this isn’t super high-tech. Actually, it’s just cardboard and a scratchpad. But it’s perfect for that kitty in your life who loves to walk all over your laptop keyboard and use the screen to scratch its back. There’s even a mouse! A fluffy one, at least. And if you want to upgrade the OS, just print out a new wallpaper and stick it in the cardboard screen. Purrrfect. $35