Take this online photography course and become better than Peter Parker

Photography’s not just a side hustle or hobby. For plenty of people, it’s a lucrative career. So what — besides talent — helps someone succeed in the competitive industry?

The right tools, for one. And the know-how to wield them correctly. If you can get your hands on a camera, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Lightroom, you’re halfway there. Get four live courses in Live Online Academy’s CC & Digital Photography Bundle, and you’ll be ready to go pro.

If you’re just beginning, chances are that you’ve been shooting in automatic mode. All the buttons and different lenses on a camera can be pretty intimidating, but they’re also easy to get the hang of with the right guide. This bundle includes 10 lessons on the ins and outs of manual photography, from light metering and ISO to white balance and shutter speed.

Of course, there’s plenty you can do to get amazing shots once you come out from behind the camera. There are plenty of tools out there, but this bundle focuses on the industry standard: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. You’ll learn from an award-winning designer, with both online modules and Q&A sessions. By the end of the lessons, you’ll know how to create a great photo, from shooting to editing to printing.

Best of all? You have the option to take the lessons live if in-person is how you learn best, or on-demand if you need to work on your own schedule. Usually, this package of four courses goes for $1,580, but when bundled together you’ll find the package for just $29.99.