Totem a virtual reality device that could become a serious competitor of the Rift Oculus


We are all aware of the popularity of virtual reality. Glasses as Oculus Rift have shown great potential, so that even on Facebook were forced to acquire the company a few months ago . This same weekend we showed you the upcoming prototype of the Rift Oculus , which shows that their development is still evolving. now, it appears that these popular virtual reality glasses could stand in their new competitor.Totem is the name given to the device of which I speak. It is being developed by Vrvana Inc., a company that soon after buying Rift Oculus by Facebook, announced to be working on an amazing virtual reality device which little was known. Now, six months after that announcement, they have released many details about Totem , a project that promises a huge improvement over what we all mean by virtual reality.

This device will provide a field of view of 90 °, and a 360 ° movement experience with its two built into the front of the product chambers . Furthermore, the image is displayed on an OLED display to 1080p, so the quality will be a stand out. Also possible to connect other HDMI devices, which in the future may offer compatibility with consoles of any kind. One of its most interesting features is the ability to see the real environment where we are, without having to take off the glasses . This could allow things like pause the game and “back” to reality. The first objective of the company is to offer players Totem, but later plan to extend the experience to new sectors. This would offer a world of new possibilities, since, for example, architects could walk around inside their buildings before they are built, while doctors could teach students firsthand how it is operating ( something that was recently done with two and a GoPro Oculus Rift ).

To make the project a reality, they need funding. Currently, they are raising funds on Kickstarter, where they have already raised about $ 140,000 of the 350,000 that had been proposed, with 23 days remaining in the campaign.Everyone who contributed to the funding of Totem with 440 Canadian dollars ( about 312 euros) will receive a unit as soon as it is ready. For the rest, its developers hope that the device is ready for commercialization by mid next year.

We leave you with the video of the project: