WhatsApp – A Unique Way to make Conversations


In this age of technology, Whats App are a huge invention. These apps have lot of benefits. Some of the beneficial aspects of Whats App is that you can easily make conservations with your buddies, family members and loved ones. You don’t need to worry in which part of world you live you can easily contact with your relatives. It reduces the distance and saves you to feel alone. You may use this app to converse with your friends by using your iPhone, Android, and Blackberry mobiles. It also allows you to make business deals in a well mannered way. While you have to deal with your clients in foreign countries then Whats App would prove a beneficial package for you. It allows you to make business conversations easily and in an effective way without the fear of paying bills.

ü  Signup

You can easily join this app, as it is totally free of cost. You can install it without paying even a single penny. In order to join this platform you only have to enter your cell number, as it runs only on your cell phones so it requires your cell number. If you want to use it without providing your cell number then you cannot make use of it.

ü  Photo Gallery

Its beneficial features differentiate it from other devices. You don’t need to choose a unique PIN code or username in order to use this application; your already existing cell number is your username in WhatsApps. Hence, in this way, you have to restrict with your cell number.

ü  Interface

WhatsApps are very easy to use, as they only have three swipe-by parts that is All, Favorites and Chats portions. They have automatic functioning and through this automatic functioning they automatically adjust your favorites according to your cell settings. Unread messages are shown on the start screen of the phone. When you receive new messages in the WhatsApp it will show you on a tile in the first line on the start screen of the phone.

ü  Messaging

They allow you to do messaging in a very clear manner. You can do texting in clear and comfortable way. There are different indications that show you while your messages have been sent, your receiver read the message and when you receive a new message. You can also text to a group of your friends in the same manner.

ü  Audio and Video Recording

WhatsApps also allow you to make audio and video recordings. You can add some videos or audio while you conversate with others by using WhatsApps.