Xbox One Universal Apps are coming in “summer 2016”


It’s official – Microsoft has confirmed that Universal Apps are coming to Xbox One this summer.

There’s been a lot of chat about Xbox One Universal apps of late, but Microsoft has been very coy about when these will arrive on its latest gaming console.

Well, speaking at a special talk at GDC 2016 in San Francisco, Jason Ronald​ – head of the Xbox Advanced Technology Group – revealed that Xbox One Universal Apps will start arriving in “summer 2016”.

This means that cross-platform Windows 10 apps will start descending on your Xbox One very soon. 

Microsoft previously revealed that it would talk more about Universal Apps later this month at its build conference, which runs from March 30 to April 1.

We’re hoping it’s at this event that Microsoft finally gives some details on the package of universal Windows 10 apps that will arrive on Xbox One.

Universal Apps are based on the new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) that allows developers to create a single app that works across all Windows devices – Xbox One, Windows desktop, tablets and Windows Mobile.

You should be able to start using an app on Windows 10 desktop, then move over to your Xbox One and have the same experience.

Xbox One Universal Apps were announced back in February 2015 at the last Build conference, but since then Microsoft hasn’t given much away.

We’re hoping that’s because the firm’s been beavering away to make sure that there are a tonne of Windows 10 Universal Apps coming to Xbox One as one lovely package.